27.04.2020 03:45 by chris
This is a schematic of the wiring of the weather station:

The two barometric sensors are connected by I²C to the ESP. Mine both had the I²C address of 0x77 in their original state, so a second I²C port would have been necessary. I tried a drastic measure following a forum post of Koepel on the offical Arduino forums, which involved cutting a connection on the board. The first try killed the sensor, but in the second try the operation was successful and the sensor switched to address 0x76.
The TFT display receives it’s data over a SPI bus port from the ESP32. There are also a reset pin and a 3.3 V pin for the backlight connected.
This setup is implemented using a perfboard and a lot of cables:
The left side is a failed try and not in use.
The external sensor and the usb power adapter are connect through sockets on the side cover: