Exec Guildpage
24.03.2016 01:44 by chris

With the release of the World of Warcraft expansion “Warlords of Draenor”, I joined the German raiding guild “Exec”. At that time, they were using a GildenDKP website, which was quite costly and inflexible. So I made a new guild website. You can find an archived copy here!
- Message board: The guild members should be able to communicate outside the game using a forum software, including all expected functions (thread-based conversation, private messaging, …).
- Voice communication: There should be some kind of voice communication service for talking while playing but also for out of game conversation. Since a World of Warcraft raid can consist of up to 30 individuals, the service had to support such group sizes.
- Homepage: The guild also needed a guild homepage for recruitment and news postings.
Aside from these functional requirements it was also necessary, that an interested novice would be able to handle basic administrative tasks.
Possible Extensions
- DKP-System: DKP are some kind of reward points, which each guild member earns and spends. An additional design target was to implement a system for DKP management.
- Simulationcraft: Simulationcraft is an open-source combat simulation tool, which is used by players to optimize their characters. Since it is a bit difficult to use for some people, we planned to provide all guild members with a daily simulation of their characters.
- Warcraftlogs: Warcraftlogs is a combat logging site, which analyses and visualizes uploaded combat logs. Since Warcraftlogs does not provide an API we just wanted to embed it into our page.
- Progression Banner: Many raiding guilds use a banner on their homepages to show their current raiding progress.
- Voice server monitor: It would have been convenient for the users to be able to view the current visitors on the voice server from the site.
Software Used
Since a content management system would be required, this was an obvious place to start. First test installations with common CMS like Joomla, Drupal, e107 and WordPress were made. In the end Joomla has been chosen because of it’s great market share (which results in a larger quantity of available plugins) and great documentation. The administrative backend was quite convincing too. e107 and Drupal did have a lot less plugins and WordPress’ scope was more on blogging than content management.
The next step was the forum software. First some tests with the Joomla plugin Kunena have been made, but it got discarded. It’s default look wasn’t too great and the navigation wasn’t very intuitive. So I had to integrate some fully fledged bulletin board software with Joomla. Two different systems were reviewed (PhpBB and Simple Machines Forum) and since the PhpBB Homepage had been hacked and therefore wasn’t available for days, I chose SMF.
The licences of Joomla (GPLv2) and SMF (BSD) are incompatible, so there is no direct login bridge available in form of a SMF plugin. After some research I found JFusion, which is a more general approach to integrate software into Joomla. It is implemented as Joomla plugin and provides “adapters” to different platforms esp. SMF. At first I configured JFusion to authenticate users against the SMF database, so that SMF was the place to keep user data. Next JFusion provided a login module for Joomla that also sets SMF related auth cookies when logging in into Joomla, so users only need to use Joomla’s login form. To make it less confusing, I hid the login button in SMF. Lastly I used the frame wrapper of JFusion to embed SMF into Joomla as a menu entry (see demo).
In the next step I created a Joomla template from scratch and searched for a fitting SMF template, which I found in “Flat”. I adjusted both templates to integrate into each other.
Now let’s visit the extensions:
- Voice server monitor: This one was easy, because there are plenty Teamspeak viewer modules for Joomla.
- Progression Banner: For this design target, I wrote a small Joomla module, which used WoWProgress to pull progression data. Since they don’t provide an API, I used some regular expressions to parse their website. To reduce the performance impact of sending requests to another server, I used Joomla’s cache so that progression was only pulled once every hour.
- Warcraftlogs: I used Joomla’s iframe wrapper module for embedding Exec’s guild overview page on Warcraftlogs.
- DKP-System: To provide a first band aid solution I embedded a Microsoft Live spreadsheet into an iframe wrapper. I planned to implement a more convenient solution, like installing EQdkp in the background and embed some of it’s pages directly or writing a small home brew solution in form of an Joomla plugin. This did not become reality before I left.
- Simulationcraft: This never has been implemented, but since we had some simc-files already it would not have been too difficult to implement. Simc already produces HTML files while simulating, so it would have been possible to run it by a cronjob. It’s result HTML files would have been accessed by the webserver directly.
For voice communication I used Teamspeak, because the users were already used to it. Alternatives like Ventrilo or Mumble were not evaluated.
I have stopped playing World of Warcraft, so I am not with this guild anymore. That is why I took the original site offline, but I still want to use it for demonstration purposes. Using WinHTTrack I rendered all dynamic PHP-pages to static HTML pages. That way you can still view the site, but I don’t have to maintain it anymore. If you are interested, here is the link!
In Retrospect Joomla wasn’t the best choice. It is a very complex system and esp. the SMF integration required a lot of tinkering before it worked. Even then, there were different small bugs, for example the WYSIWYG-editor in SMF did not catch some key events under some browsers when using the frameless wrapper. Another example is that the iframe wrapper is not able to adjust it’s size after loading, so when SMF changes it’s size (it has some pulldown menus), scroll bars were appearing. Adjusting two templates (one for Joomla and one for SMF) was really time consuming, even though I used an existing for SMF. I kept finding small errors on some sub pages in SMF quite a time after building the page.
Having to manage two systems (Joomla and SMF) didn’t help very much for making administrative tasks easy to handle. Our novice admins were confused quite badly.
JFusion’s login bridging worked quite well after some initial difficulties and Joomla’s plugin and template framework provided great benefit when developing the progression banner and the template.
So the most important caveat of Joomla was the lack of a good forum component. I might choose WordPress next time, because it seems to have a good forum plugin in form of bbPress (I didn’t test it very intensively though). It also provides all CMS functionality we needed and is more easy to manage because it doesn’t require admins to handle two separate systems.